Open Calls – Call 1
The objective of the EDI incubation programme is facilitating the uptake of Big Data tools by the start-ups whilst increasing the technical and business skills of the selected start-ups/SMEs. The final aim is to give place to sustainable business incubation around Big Data.
Any selected project by EDI must be executed by SMEs or start-ups and it is obliged to make use of a set of data assets provided by EDI data providers for experimentation and defined in this Open Call for proposals.
The open call will be divided in two tracks:
- Cross-domain challenges. It will be compulsory to use data assets coming from at least two different domains than the origin of the dataset. The dataset original domain is defined in the EDI data catalogue and in the EDI Challenge Catalogue
- Domain challenges on finance, retail, energy, transport & logistics, media & Internet per the needs detected by the data providers and defined in the EDI Challenge Catalogue
EDI has been conceived as a 3-phase incubation/acceleration programme: EXPLORE > EXPERIMENT > EVOLVE, in which the selected start-ups/SMEs will be offered a set of technical and business services to develop a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and reach commercial and/or investment agreements with data providers, corporates and/or private investors
- Read the Call documentation here